
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am brand new to this so hope you will encourage me in my new pursuit of blogging by posting a comment to help me keep going. I think this is all going to be a bit of a journey so hope you might find something that will interest you. I have long had dreams of having something in print and this seems like the best way to go about it...and it's free!!
The only writing I have ever really done is a shopping list every now and again and I always manage to lose that on route to the supermarket so it's never done me much good.

So, here's to blogging and here's to maybe making a few new friends through it.


Sunday 30 December 2007

Huzzah....good food today!

I am in favour of the first Sunday after Christmas.Going to church is good because you finally know beyond all doubt what day it is and there is the faint glimmer of hope that a meal will be produced from scratch and keep you going for more than half an hour.

Actually it is more than a glimmer of hope here today as we have been invited out for lunch. This is a rare occurrence as 6 (as there are of us) is actually quite an invasion to have in your house for a meal so we are delighted and at the same time praying that the kids will come up trumps and behave like the heavenly host!!!

Church was a small select gathering. In Anglican circles the first Sunday after any big festival is known as "Low Sunday." In reality it just means that people decide to take the day off as they are all over-churched from so many services over the festive period.

The vicar that lives in this house did a good preach. We all stood to say the creed and affirmed our belief in "the communion of sins..." (Note to self...proof read more closely next time, although.....)

Beth told me not to put my arm round her in church as she didn't want her hair to become all ecstatic and let's be honest girls..we all want hair that is calm and does what it is supposed to do and not be overly happy and silly.

Today was the account of Herod killing the baby boys. Such a disturbing account and sobering to think that awful things like this are still going on throughout the world as hatred and anger flourish. How incredible that God should enter this world because He longs for these things to stop and for the hearts of everyone to be turned towards Him.One day it will be better and we can only be thankful for all the good in the world that does reflect His love and look forward to the day when all will be restored to Him completely.

Well, the time has come to go for lunch. So thankful that my kids will get decent cooking today and I don't have to do it.Shall just check my hair to make sure it is not ecstatic, slap on a bit of lippy and put the kids on good behaviour or else alert!!

Thursday 27 December 2007

Limbo Land

I always find this a bit of an odd time of year. I don't know whether this stems from a Rectory upbringing and now a Rectory marriage, but I always feel a bit in limbo between Christmas and New Year.

Having worked myself into the ground during Advent and over Christmas I now find that I cannot remember what day it is, when we last had a proper meal that wasn't leftovers,and what the sitting room carpet looked like before it was covered in Christmas wrapping paper, bits of trodden-in mince pies and Baileys stains on the sofa where I spilt it when I dozed off during my second glass-full!

Still, when you live in a Rectory there are always exciting things that come through the post to enhance your day and bring a little sunshine into ones life. Today was the arrival of the Vanpoules sale catalogue. For those of you who have never had the fortune of seeing this publication,it is a shop that sells all things churchy and clerical and now, at this time of year sells them cheaper. So, if you have had a very waxy Christmas and need new drip shields, or if you are fresh out of votive candles you know where to go. It is without doubt another world as you delve into things no vicar should be without...ever.

I supppose this is really the part of the year when it's good to look back and reflect on what has been and to look forward to what may be. Thank goodness it is all in God's hands and He is there all the time and is Lord of the past, present and future. It does give me great hope to know that the times and seasons are in His hands and we can move forward in confidence and hope.

Well, I think I might try and find a bit of sitting room carpet, arm myself with a cuppa and the sale catalogue and take it from there. Have always fancied a Biretta... :)

Wednesday 26 December 2007

We did survive Christmas.

To write this title does show that somewhere along the line I thought I wouldn't survive. In fact for most of December I was quite taken with the idea of sorting out the life insurance and buying a canoe.
I can honestly say I have never been so behind with Christmas preparations. So many people didn't get a card, several key people at church did not get the presents we wanted to give as not only did we run out of time but also money. I was slightly concerned on Christmas Eve that we wouldn't even be able to afford the sprouts but huzzah..we did and will be eating them for several days to come...oh joy!!
Anyway Christmas came despite our efforts to make December a bit longer in order to fit everything in.
Santa DID come, the sprouts were bought, the turkey stuffed and the presents wrapped. It was a good day. The kids were happy and all the aged parents behaved and it is not true that I fell asleep on the sofa after lunch and snored...that is a vicious rumour.
All our Christmas services went well. This is our first year in charge of the Church here and so a pretty big deal really. But we didn't die of exhaustion(quite) and all seemed to go well.
God was so good(as ever) and now we have some down time.
Paul gave me a fantastic picnic gramaphone with some 78 records...amazing.
So I am now off to play some while I try and think of something creative to do with the sprouts...curried perhaps or on toast?? All suggestions welcome. Happy Boxing Day everyone.

A whole new world!!

Well, at the end of this year, and having got into reading others blogs I have decided to have a go at being a blogger myself! I have no idea how this will work out but I will give it a go and see what happens.

My name is Rachel and I have always fancied having something in print. My life is pretty much normal. I am married and have 4 children, 3 girls and 1 rather outnumbered boy.

We live in Norfolk, England where my husband is a vicar. I work alongside him and we see a lot of life in all its glorious technicolour.

I cannot live without chocolate and sherry...both in vast quantities. I love sleep, coffee with friends and a good book.

My biggest passion in life is Jesus and He is the centre of my life. My motto is to take Jesus seriously but not to take myself seriously.

Well, I shall post this and see how it goes...pretty much assuming that no-one will discover it and it will all be a bit like talking to myself..no change there then!!