
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am brand new to this so hope you will encourage me in my new pursuit of blogging by posting a comment to help me keep going. I think this is all going to be a bit of a journey so hope you might find something that will interest you. I have long had dreams of having something in print and this seems like the best way to go about it...and it's free!!
The only writing I have ever really done is a shopping list every now and again and I always manage to lose that on route to the supermarket so it's never done me much good.

So, here's to blogging and here's to maybe making a few new friends through it.


Monday 27 April 2009

Out of the mouths of babes!

Don't you just love the way kids say things just as they are? No, not always!! For example, "Mummy, why is your tummy so wobbly?" The answer to this is, of course, because I have had 4 babies, 2 of which came at once, and not because I have a deep love of chocolate and a deep hatred of exercise!).

Or what about, "Mum, why are you cleaning? Are some visitors coming? (There is no answer to that one!)  

Or what about , "Mum we told Emily that the present we gave her was one you had for your birthday and didn't like."( The answer to that is a clip round the ear, but I resisted!!)

Yes, children say it as it is and invariably leave you with your heart in your mouth wanting the ground to swallow you up.

We have just come back from Spring Harvest. We had a great week: fabulous worship lead by Graham Kendrick and good bible teaching. The children all had a great time with their various activities and groups. On the way home we were talking about the week and asked them what they most enjoyed. As we waited for some great spiritual revelation from them they announced that the highlight of the week was late night swimming followed by the trips to Burger King for chips and coke! Yes indeed, say it as it is.

Mind you, I have to say that I really enjoyed having some lie-ins, eating chocolate and snoozing on the sofa!! (Hmmm could that possibly be a factor in the wobbly tummy???? NO, NO, NO!!!!)

We are very good at compartmentalizing things that we perceive to be spiritual from the things that don't perceive to be spiritual. Sermons are spiritual so go in the spiritual compartment; swimming goes in the nonspiritual compartment. Why is this?

The Jewish people didn't see it like that. When God commanded them to love him with all their heart, mind and strength he was saying that you cannot compartmentalize. All life, every aspect of life is about relationship with him. He is with us in everything and we with him., sermons, swimming and snoozing. I like that.

And finally, back to the wobbly tummy. They children say it makes me cuddly. Now that is how I like it said!

Much love,


Saturday 25 April 2009

Gimme, gimme, gimme

I saw this recently in a shop. “The Toddlers rules for life.” 1) I have it...it’s mine. 2) I want it...it’s mine. 3) I saw it first...it’s mine. 4) I took it...it’s mine.

There were about 10 of these “it’s mine” statements and they all struck a chord! “Possession is 9/10ths of the law”, or so they say. Sharing is not easy for children and if we’re honest not a lot easier for adults!! Anybody that touches my chocolate...beware!!!!!

A group of us have just come back from Spring Harvest where we have had a fabulous time, worshipping with 7 and a half thousand Christians and journeying together as we discovered more of what it means to be an 
apprentice of Jesus.

Being an apprentice of Jesus means that there is no room for the “It’s mine” approach to faith in Jesus. We cannot hold onto it for ourselves but instead share, through our words and in the way we live our lives that Jesus is for everyone, that a relationship with God through Christ can be a reality for everyone. 

Our relationship with the Father is a personal thing but must not be a private thing. We are called to share; to share Jesus, to share our lives and to share all that we have so that everyone can meet the resurrected Christ and know him.   

Much love,


Wednesday 22 April 2009

Uninvited guests.

I believe that being woken fron deep and peaceful slumber is one of the worst things. Having had children who have never been good sleepers I feel qualified to say that broken sleep is a killer. None of our kids have ever really got the hang of sleeping all night and really it is only in the last 3 months or so that everyone finally sleeps all night, on their own and in their own bed. 

I used to play a game with myself. When I woke in the morning I would keep my eyes shut and see if I could remember which bed I was in and who I was with. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "sleeping around!!!"

Finally, after what seems like years..well, to be honest it is years, the only person I sleep with is the Vicar that lives here... and he interupts my sleep with his outrageous snoring. AND he has the nerve to say I snore too. HMMMM....

We also have a cat that lives here too. She is lovely. We have just come back from a few days away and she is obviously pleased to see us. So pleased that she broke my deep sleep. So pleased in fact that at 4.30 am she came into our bedroom to bring us the wonderful gift of a dead mouse. She was truely pleased with herself and none too pleased that I wasn't pleased. She looked quite put out as I shooed her away. The Vicar that lives here continued snoring...

In the morning the Vicar had the unenviable task of clearing up the remains of said mouse. Not pleasant. Honestly, kids, cats and snoring Vicars (well, just one vicar) when will sleep be mine???



Tuesday 7 April 2009

The Truth or not the Truth.

Well, I have just finished clearing up from cooking for the final session of Alpha today. I set myself the ridiculous challenge of cooking something different each for 12 weeks.I managed it but only just and somebody else cooked for one week which was great.

I am a terrible cheat of a cook to be honest. What you cannot do with a jar of Dolmio sauce isn't worth doing. It has though put me in a bit of a moral dilemma. When people very kindly say how delicious the meal was I just smile serenely and say "Thank you." I made a rather splendid curry a few weeks ago. It went down a treat.Then disaster struck. Somebody wanted the recipe. What was I to do? Should I say it was a secret family recipe and that if I gave it away I would have to shoot the person I gave it to? OR should I come clean and say that Pataks do a fabulous korma sauce and at the moment are on special offer at Sainsburys?? All very tricky.

I'm ashamed to say I have become very reliant on jars and packet sauces. I dread to think about the chemicals, e numbers etc that I am forcing my children to eat. I have even been known to buy ready sliced carrots which is the height of laziness I know. I have become a sound convert of frozen diced onions. No freezer should, to my mind be without a bag. Why make your own Yorkshire puddings when Aunt Bessie has clearly helped out, is my thinking.

I do make my own toast though and am thrilled to say that I am training my children very well in the art of making toast too. It's my job as a mother I'm sure you'll agree. Actually my son is a dab hand at making bacon butties and has also discovered the art of boiling an egg. It is my deepest desire that at least one of children should develop the art of making their mother a cup of tea but I fear that may be some time off.

Oh well, in the meantime I shall make myself an instant hot chocolate and retire to bed. Oh, and what did I say to the person who wanted the curry recipe? Well, what would you do?????????

Much love,


Saturday 4 April 2009

Palm Sunday thoughts.

Many young, and not so young(!) girls dream of being a princess. The whole idea of a beautiful maiden being rescued by a handsome Prince Charming is the stuff of romantic fairy tales. Many boys dream of being that Prince, rescuing the princess and living happily ever after.

Palm Sunday is about the King, coming to rescue; but not in the way we imagine or dream about. This is not some fairy tale we are remembering today but rather the beginning of the final week of Jesus’ earthly life as God’s ultimate rescue plan reaches it’s amazing, incredible climax as Jesus dies and rises again.

The word “Hosanna” literally means, “Save us.” We, all of us, need
rescuing from sin, death and separation from God. In fairy stories the rescuer always appears with a sword and white charger; a conquering hero.

Yet Jesus comes humbly, riding on a donkey, coming in peace and as the ultimate, perfect and only hero...our Saviour, who slays sin and death and opens the way to God for all time.

As we walk the way of the cross again we can remember with joy and thanksgiving that God, through Jesus, has rescued us through his death on the cross and along with those there that first Palm Sunday, shout, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”


Wednesday 1 April 2009

How much excitement can one Vicar's wife have eh?? Today I got to take a trip to B&Q to choose AND purchase a brand new kitchen tap! This really is a thrill. The house that we live in, we live in because it forms part of the salary of the vicar that lives here.

I love this house and I hope that we have made it into a nice home where people feel welcome and wanted. BUT it isn't ours which means that we cannot do a lot of the things to it that we would if it were ours. The kitchen, to be honest, has seen better days, as has the bathroom. I don't mind because I'm used to it but there is something quite thrilling about being able to put our mark on it, even if it is only to choose a new kitchen tap.

I have been thinking a lot about homes this week. The guy from Cameroon who came to stay with us for a couple of weeks last March left yesterday!! I feel very bereft and it is strange not to see his stuff about the place. Oddly, the thing that I miss seeing are his towels in the bathroom. It will all take a bit of getting used to.

Lent is trolling along. I failed miserably at giving up chocolate. I blame it entirely on my hormones and that "peri-menopausal" stuff so am not accepting sheer, unadulterated weakness as the reason!!!!!!!!!! However, I have done better at the other two things I resolved to do.

1) Give up swearing. Often I am appalled at the language that trips off my tongue so easily. Often I am NOT appalled and that appalls me...if you see what I mean. I feel much better, cleaner really, for making a concerted effort. I shall endeavour to carry on.

2) To pray on my knees each night before going to sleep. I always fall asleep when I pray in bed so this has been quite a big deal for me. But it has been really worthwhile and my little girls have done it once or twice because they have seen me do it and it feels good that they are copying something like that. I shall endeavour to carry on with that too.

Well, I must go as it is nearly time to be on my knees in prayer, ie: I'm tired and need to go to bed!! Hope you are ok.

Much love,
