
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am brand new to this so hope you will encourage me in my new pursuit of blogging by posting a comment to help me keep going. I think this is all going to be a bit of a journey so hope you might find something that will interest you. I have long had dreams of having something in print and this seems like the best way to go about it...and it's free!!
The only writing I have ever really done is a shopping list every now and again and I always manage to lose that on route to the supermarket so it's never done me much good.

So, here's to blogging and here's to maybe making a few new friends through it.


Thursday 29 January 2009

Well, that went well, didn't it?? There was I back in September issuing forth about how I was going to be a more regular blogger, update my posts on a more frequent basis and now it is the end of January and I have done nothing.

Truth to tell,I have not been at my most ravishing best. Since half term back in October one by one my children and husband and finally myself have all succumbed to various and horrible bugs and viruses. At Christmas we were all a heap of germs flopped out on the sofas, reading, playing on the Wii and sleeping, coughing, sneezing and believing death was imminent.

Death did not come and most of us are now better but I have to confess that these past few months have been hard. I didn't even write Christmas cards!! I have felt under a dark cloud, far from God and weepy. Not nice.

My Mum has had a brush with cancer, my sister and her husband have separated and it's just not been great. But, of course, that is life and with four kids, a busy husband etc, etc, etc you just keep going don't you? I guess I just haven't had any spare resources for anything other than just keeping everything ticking over.

So, that's me really....a bit of a heap at the moment but hanging on in there, trusting that the sun will shine and that my energy levels will rise.

Hope you are all ok.

Much love,
