
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am brand new to this so hope you will encourage me in my new pursuit of blogging by posting a comment to help me keep going. I think this is all going to be a bit of a journey so hope you might find something that will interest you. I have long had dreams of having something in print and this seems like the best way to go about it...and it's free!!
The only writing I have ever really done is a shopping list every now and again and I always manage to lose that on route to the supermarket so it's never done me much good.

So, here's to blogging and here's to maybe making a few new friends through it.


Thursday 18 March 2010

Thoughts on changing weather!

1Everything on earth has its own time and its own season.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (Contemporary English Version)

There must surely be a collective sigh of relief as, after what seems like a particularly long winter, the daffodils and crocuses are finally peeping through, temperatures are up a bit and sometimes the sun shines!! It’s amazing how all this can lift one’s spirits and put a whole new perspective on life.

Spring is the favourite season of many people. It’s a time of growth, of hope and of excitement as the days get longer. It’s a time of celebration as we look to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter day. It’s tempting to wish it could always be spring.

Yet of course change is inevitable. Spring becomes summer, summer becomes autumn, and autumn becomes winter. Each season is important and brings with it newness of different kinds. As the earth grows and flourishes, rests and dies, so the cycle of life continues.

This is often mirrored in our lives. There are times when we are growing and changing, a springtime not just in physical ways but in emotional and spiritual ways too. Times, when we feel we are growing closer to God, where his word speaks loudly and clearly to us and where we are changed for good.

Summer speaks of joy and contentment, where we relish all we have, when things are calm and good and positive. Life is good. It often much easier to praise God in the summers of our lives.

Autumn perhaps makes us think of drawing on the resources we have. When life perhaps begins to be a bit harder we can stop and recall all that has gone on before, the times of growth and the times of joy. It’s a time to remember and recount the goodness of God. Many people love autumn; the changes of colour, the crispness in the air, the celebration of God’s provision and faithfulness as we celebrate Harvest.

The season of winter in our lives can be very bleak. Winter is perhaps those times of depression and anxiety, the times when we feel far from God and we wonder where he is. Life can be hard and harsh…. and yet spring is coming and a new time of hope and growth and the wonder of God is near again.

In every season of life God promises to be with us. The seasons may be long, they may be short, they may be good, they may be harsh, but nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ who holds all our times in his hands.



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